Hi friends! Did you catch all of the events this week on 140th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show? Though my terrier group didn’t win, we wanted to share the fun with you!
CJ is pretty darn handsome…He won Best in Show! “He’s a beautiful example of a German shorthaired pointer, obviously,” Westminster Kennel Club spokesman Gail Miller Bisher said on “Good Morning America” today. “He has a stoicism about him. He’s calm, he’s alert, he’s a very show-dog.”

ABC News profiled CJ with some fun facts…
Nickname: The Prince
Post-win treat: Chicken and carrots are his favorites (what’s the deal with these produce loving dogs?! I personally hate carrots…
Famous Family: C.J.’s grandmother is Carlee, who was the 2005 Westminster “Best in Show.” C.J.’s owner and handler, Valerie Nunes-Atkinson, also owned Carlee.
Winning Streak: In six months, this handsome devil has already won 18 “Best in Show” titles
No daily training: C.J.’s owner says he knows what to do and doesn’t train. His handler will reinforce things he was taught when he was younger, but she doesn’t necessarily teach him new things. He runs for conditioning many times throughout the day (yeah, forget that…).
At Home: CJ is a regular ol’ house dog like the rest of us. He lives with 6 other dogs and a kitty!
Favorite activity: Fetch! I like retrieving the ball, but I personally never bring it back…
Pretty cool guy, huh? My terriers did make an appearance in the agility department, though!
Phineas, a rescued pit bull mix, made the finals at the Kennel Club’s Masters Agility Championship in New York. Though he didn’t win, he certainly kept our reputation! He was one of just 26 mixed-breed dogs who competed last weekend in competition along side more than 300 purebred dogs. Phineas ranks as the fastest mixed-breed agility dog in the country, though he did make a couple errors in the run according to reports. Pft.
Phineas’ human/trainer told the
San Diego Tribune, “It was a really great experience and great exposure for the sport of agility.
It was great for people to see that any dog with the right training can do amazing things.”Just making it to Westminster was a fairy tale for this guy, whose behavior problems as a puppy led him through a series of unhappy owners until Randall rescued him from a local animal shelter. We foster shelter dogs at my house- so we were super stoked for him!
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