Feeling stressed or anxious lately? You’ve tried every therapy or medication possible and nothing seems to help. Perhaps you are just in a funk, and you can’t seem to shake it off. Fret not; You may have overlooked an age-old priceless cure, your pet!
Although for most of us the list is endless, here are just 8 ways dogs can improve your lifestyle

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1. Pets Can Boost Your Mood
There’s an undeniable absolute approval from your pet no matter what kind of mood you are experiencing. We can all benefit from unconditional love, and our pets know just the recipe!
2. They Get You Out of Bed
Given a standard routine, your dog will eventually become your fail-proof alarm clock. Sorry there isn’t a snooze on this alarm!
3. Make You Smile
Even when your dog destroys your most prized possession, there’s always some type of innocence that will melt your heart and make you smile in any situation.
4. Increases Physical Activity 
There is some evidence that shows, even if you have started to develop disease, your pet can still help! Dogs need exercise just like us, and they can be our motivation when we don’t feel like that run or walk or hike.
5. Give Kids a Sense of Responsibility
Just like children rely on his/her parent, they will mimic your behavior and feel more involved when given simple chores to help in caring for your pet.
6.Teach Forgiveness
Unlike humans, dogs have an inability to hold onto grudges. Scolding will 9 times out of 10 end in puppy kisses by the end of the day. No hard feelings! Let your pup show you the ropes on letting go.
7. Improve Social Life
“Researchers found that people who reported greater care for animals were also more likely to be involved in their communities and serve in leadership roles.” Not to mention dog parks are great places to meet new friends or even a life partner.
If you’re looking for a local dog park you may find one HERE!
8. Extend Life
Could your dog actually improve the quality and longevity of your life? The research says YES!
…dogs are life.
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