Pet Treater participated in Mardi Growl 2017, our first Mardi Growl experience, and it was a screaming success! With events and festivals that are held outside, the weather is always that questionable component that no one can control, while it can control the outcome of the event. With snow flurries flying in Johnson City the day prior to the event, we all had our fingers crossed, and I guess the old trick worked! Sunshine and temperatures in the 60’s created the perfect environment for fun and community, so much so that we did not even miss the Hurricanes!
Market Square was starting to buzz around 9AM as the vendors arrived and started getting set up. Dogs and owners started trickling in, and by 10AM, the streets of Downtown Knoxville were flowing with a strong current of paws, leashes, beads and costumes preparing for the parade at 11. We saw tutus, boas, masks and other creative get ups on dogs and people alike! Talk about entertaining!

CLICK on the image to sign up, and get a FREE dog bed when you choose 3, 6 or 12 month subscription!
As the event geared up, our prize wheel started spinning and did not stop until the crew broke down the tents around 2:45 in the afternoon. Our goals to give away as much free love and gifts to our furry friends was a success! We gave away bandanas, gourmet treats, pet beds, sweaters, collars, pupcicle trays and lots of LOVE!
When reflecting on the event and all of the amazing people and pets that we met, we are grateful to be part of such an amazing community, geographically and also as pet lovers! Dogs provide us all love, affection and activity that keep us happier, positive and connected, and to participate in an event celebrating these amazing creatures was 100% pure joy for the Pet Treater Team. We cannot wait to see you all again soon! In the meantime stay connected to the canine community on Social Media!
Check out our Facebook Album from the event HERE!
Do you have pictures from the event? Post them on your accounts and use #PetTreaterMardiGrowl!!
Thanks to all who came! See you soon!
With Ruff,
The Pet Treater Team
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